American democracy is at risk. Free expression is the cornerstone of any free society, and the First Amendment guarantees the right of the people to peaceably assemble. These bills working their way through state legislatures set steep penalties for different aspects of peaceful protest, and therefore would stifle dissent in this country. Every right we have depends on the right to speak out.

Listed below are the bills, their progress through the various state legislatures, and what you can do about it. Direct contact with your state assemblypersons is crucial. We must act. Click on the map below to see what’s happening in your state.


Criminalizes masks worn during protests | SB1033 | 53rd Legislature


Any person convicted of unlawful assembly or riot would be charged with committing a felony if that person was also wearing a mask at the time of the assembly or riot.


Read in the Senate on 1/8/18, referred to Judiciary Committee and Rules Committee. Has yet to be read or discussed in committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Judiciary and Rules Committees.

Find committee member’s Contact Information

Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Doug Ducey and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (602) 542-4331

Criminalizing the planning of protests | SB 1142 | 53 Legislature


Reconstitutes the definition of rioting to include any action that results in damage to private property. This bill would give law enforcement the ability to make arrests at a peaceful demonstration that they believe may become violent, allowing them to criminally prosecute and seize the assets of any person planning or attending a demonstration at which damage to private property occurs.


Withdrawn by Speaker of the House J.D. Mesnard (R-Chandler) after mass outcry against the bill.


Unlawful mass picketing | SB 550 | 91st Legislature


This bill creates the misdemeanor offense of “unlawful mass picketing,” which is defined as any demonstration that hinders “the pursuit of lawful work or employment,” obstructs entrances or exits of buildings, blocks any sort of transportation infrastructure, or occurs at a private residence. At odds with this aim, the bill states that it “does not apply to a person who is validly exercising his or her rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution or the Arkansas Constitution.”


Vetoed by Governor on 4/6/2017.


Penalties for environmental protesters | SB 35 | 71st Legislature


Though the bill does not cite protesters directly, it would greatly increase penalties for environmental protesters demonstrating against fossil fuel industries. The law would reclassify “tampering with equipment associated with oil and gas gathering operations” from a class 2 misdemeanor to a class 6 felony which comes with up to 18 months imprisonment and a fine of up to $100,000.


Died in committee. Postponed indefinitely by House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee on 4/12/2017.

Prohibits teachers from participating in teachers’ strike | SB 264 | 71st Legislature


Prohibits public school teachers and teachers’ organizations from participating in strikes against their employers.


Died in committee. Postponed indefinitely by House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee on 4/30/2018.


Limiting drivers’ liability in traffic obstruction accidents | SB 1096 | 2017 Regular Session


Institutes criminal penalties for protesters who block traffic, and exempts motor vehicle operators who injure or kill traffic obstructing protesters from liability.


Died in committee.


“Back the Badge” protecting law enforcement | SB 160 | 154th General Assembly


This bill increases penalties for blocking road or pedestrian traffic, and also allows minors between the ages of 13 and 17 to be tried as adults in cases involving harm to law enforcement officers.


Signed into law on 5/8/2017.

Revising the definition of “domestic terrorism” | SB 1 | 154th General Assembly


This bill would broaden the definition of “domestic terrorism” to include any action that violates the laws of the state with the intent to cause bodily harm, to destroy or disable critical infrastructure (defined as transportation, educational, religious, agricultural, energy, economic, and other similar kinds of infrastructure—i.e. those typically targeted by protesters), or to “effectuate any ideology or belief.”


Defeated. Failed to pass the House on 3/28/2017.


Mandatory punishment for campus protesters | HB2939 | 100th General Assembly


Requires all public universities and colleges to set forth and adopt policies of free expression, and establishes requirements for said policies. These include mandatory probationary sanctions for any student participating in “protests or demonstrations that infringe upon the rights of others to engage in or listen to expressive activity”. Also requires suspension for one year or expulsion of any student found to have participated in such a protest twice.


Re-referred to House Rules Committee after amendment in Higher Education Committee on 3/31/17.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Rules Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Bruce Rauner and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (217) 782-0244


Fines for mass traffic obstruction | SB 285 | 120th Legislature


The bill would force officials to act immediately on mass traffic obstructions, defined as 10 or more people, issuing fines for such behavior.


In committee. First read in House on 3/6/2017 and referred to House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Eric Holcomb and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (317) 232-4567


Criminalizes pipeline (or other infrastructure) protesters | SF 2235 | 132nd General Assembly


Creates the crime of “critical infrastructure sabotage” and makes it a Class B felony to impede the normal operation of any “critical infrastructure” in any way.


Read for the first time in Senate on 2/22/18 and passed on to House.

Take Action Step 1

Contact your House Representatives.

Find Your House Representative’s Contact Information

Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Kim Reynolds and tell her to veto this bill if it reaches her desk.

Phone: (515) 281-5211

Increased penalties for blocking traffic | SF 426 | 87th Legislature


Bills in both the House and Senate would create harsher penalties for protesters who block traffic on highways. This includes aggravated misdemeanor charges for a second offense and class D felony charges for a third offense. This bill replaces SF 111.


Bill approved by committee on 3/13/2017 with amendment. Will presumably be put on Senate Floor calendar soon.

Take Action Step 1

Contact your state Senators.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Kim Reynolds and tell her to veto this bill if it reaches her desk.

Phone: (515) 281-5211

Increased penalties for blocking traffic | HF 226 | 87th Legislature


Bills in both the House and Senate would create harsher penalties for protesters who block traffic on highways. This includes aggravated misdemeanor charges for a second offense and class D felony charges for a third offense. This bill replaces SSB 1135.


Bill approved by committee on 3/2/2017. Awaiting vote on House Floor.

Take Action Step 1

Contact your House Representatives.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Kim Reynolds and tell her to veto this bill if it reaches her desk.

Phone: (515) 281-5211


Protection for drivers running over protesters | BR 275 | 2018 Regular Session


This bill proposed numerous stipulations to govern “disruption of public protest”. It forbids protesters at a permitted protest from wearing masks or concealing their faces, and prohibits the use of weapons, protection, or shields during such protests. It also makes obstruction of the “regular flow of traffic” a Class A misdemeanor and provides protection for drivers who cause injury or death to such persons. Kentucky’s BR 275 would be unique among similar proposed legislation by protecting drivers who strike protesters both civilly and criminally, as opposed to other versions that provide only civil protection.


Pre-filed in late October, but withdrawn from consideration 10/26/17.


Increased penalty for protest affecting critical infrastructure | HB727 | 2018 Regular Session


Would create the offense of “conspiracy to engage in unauthorized entry” of a critical infrastructure facility. Penalty up to five years in prison with or without hard labor and a fine of up to $10,000. The bill also broadens the definition of “critical infrastructure”— it now explicitly includes “pipelines” as well as “any site where the construction or improvement of any facility or structure” is taking place, in addition to “any and all structures, equipment, or other immovable or movable property located within or upon” infrastructure facilities.


Passed House on 4/12/18 and sent to Senate. Senate Legislative Bureau recommended amendments, which were adopted 4/26/18. Awaiting Senate vote.

Take Action Step 1

Contact your state Senators.

Find Your Senator’s Contact Information

Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor John Bel Edwards and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (225) 342-0991


Increased penalties for protesters who block traffic | HB916 | 190th Legislature


This bill creates the offense of interfering with “normal and reasonable movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic” on a public street or highway. The offense would be punishable by up to $5,000 and a year in jail, as well as convicted persons being held responsible for costs associated with public or private emergency response services related to the incident.


Scheduled for joint House & Senate hearing on 6/30/17. Not passed.

Take Action Step 1

Contact your House Representatives.

Find Your House Representative’s Contact Information

Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Charlie Baker and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (617) 725-4005


Picketing penalties | HB 4630 | 98th Legislature


In December, Michigan Republicans voted that courts can more easily “shut down” mass picketing demonstrations and fine protesters for blocking entrances to businesses, private residences or roadways. When blocked by a court, those who continue to protest can be fined up to $1,000 and unions can be fined up to $10,000 each day.

Certain forms of mass picketing were already prohibited, but leading Representative Gary Glenn stated that the increased incidents meant “the current penalties are not sufficient to deter already-illegal activity.”

Democrats in the General Assembly called the legislation unconstitutional prior to the 57-50 vote, calling it “unnecessary, over-reaching, outrageous, oppressive and un-American,” said Representative Leslie Love.


Bill defeated.

Picketing penalties | HB 4643 | 98th Legislature


In December, Michigan Republicans voted that courts can more easily “shut down” mass picketing demonstrations and fine protesters for blocking entrances to businesses, private residences or roadways. When blocked by a court, those who continue to protest can be fined up to $1,000 and unions can be fined up to $10,000 each day.

Certain forms of mass picketing were already prohibited, but leading Representative Gary Glenn stated that the increased incidents meant “the current penalties are not sufficient to deter already-illegal activity.”

Democrats in the General Assembly called the legislation unconstitutional prior to the 57-50 vote, calling it “unnecessary, over-reaching, outrageous, oppressive and un-American,” said Representative Leslie Love.


Bill defeated.


Fines for protests | HF 322 | 90th Legislature


A measure to allow the suing of protesters for law enforcement costs “related to unlawful assemblies and public nuisances.” Bills in both the House and Senate.


Passed committee. Re-referred to Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee, 1/26/17.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Mark Dayton and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (651) 201-3400

Fines for protests | SF 679 | 90th Legislature


A measure to allow the suing of protesters for law enforcement costs “related to unlawful assemblies and public nuisances.” Bills in both the House and Senate.


In committee. Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee, 2/6/17.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Mark Dayton and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (651) 201-3400

Traffic obstruction penalties | HF 1066 | 90th Legislature


Bills in both the House and Senate increase criminal penalties for traffic-impeding protests.


House Vote: Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee voted to adopt bill and sent back to House for second reading.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Mark Dayton and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (651) 201-3400

Traffic obstruction penalties | SF 918 | 90th Legislature


Bills in both the House and Senate increase criminal penalties for traffic-impeding protests.


In committee. Referred to Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Mark Dayton and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (651) 201-3400

Traffic obstruction penalties | SF 803 | 90th Legislature


Bills in both the House and Senate increase criminal penalties for traffic-impeding protests.


This bill replaced HF 390 and SF 676. It was vetoed by the governor on 5/15/2017.

Increased penalty for protest affecting critical infrastructure | HF 3693 | 90th Legislature


Significantly increases penalties for protesters who block access to critical infrastructure, which is broadly defined in Minnesota to include stations and highways. The bill also extends penalties to any person or entity who “recruits, trains, aids, advises, hires, counsels, or conspires with” such protesters. If the protester trespasses then both he and the person who “recruits, trains, aids, advises, hires, counsels, or conspires with” him are guilty of gross misdemeanor (one year in jail and $3,000). If the protester trespasses with the intent to “significantly disrupt” the normal operation of critical infrastructure, he and the person who “recruits, trains, aids, advises, hires, counsels, or conspires with” him are guilty of a felony (up to 10 years in prison and $20,000 fine).


Passed House on 5/1/18. Companion text in Senate currently under review.

Take Action Step 1

Contact your state Senators.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Mark Dayton and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (651) 201-3400


Raised penalties for obstruction of traffic | SB 2730 | Legislature


Raises potential charge for “maliciously impeding traffic” to a felony.


Bill died in committee.


Unmasking protesters | HB 179 | 99th Legislature


This bill would make it illegal to wear a mask or disguise during protests, including gas masks. It would become a misdemeanor and only affect those who are “committing another crime” including rioting or unlawful assembly.

The ACLU states that wearing masks is protected by the First Amendment.


Referred to House Select Committee on Local, State, Federal Relations and Miscellaneous Business on 5/15/2017.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Select Committee on Local, State, Federal Relations and Miscellaneous Business.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Eric Greitens and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (573) 751-3222

Unmasking protesters | HB 876 | 99th Legislature


This law would define an “unlawful assembly” as two or more people who meet “for the purpose of violating any of the criminal laws” at the state or federal level. The bill would also create the new crime of “unlawful traffic interference” (including walking, sitting, standing, lying down, or placing an object on any public roadway, with the intention of impeding traffic). The bill stipulates that commission of “unlawful traffic interference” while participating in an “unlawful assembly” would be a Class D felony, which would carry a penalty of up to seven years in prison.


Referred to House Judiciary Committee on 2/16/2017. Public hearing completed on 3/7/2017 but bill has not been on House calendar since.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Judiciary Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Eric Greitens and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (573) 751-3222

Unlawful assembly | HB 2145 | 99th Legislature


This law would define an “unlawful assembly” as two or more people who meet “for the purpose of violating any of the criminal laws” at the state or federal level. The bill would also create the new crime of “unlawful traffic interference” (including walking, sitting, standing, lying down, or placing an object on any public roadway, with the intention of impeding traffic). The bill stipulates that commission of “unlawful traffic interference” while participating in an “unlawful assembly” would be a Class D felony, which would carry a penalty of up to seven years in prison.


Original version introduced 2/6/17. Re-introduced 1/17/18 and read twice on House floor.

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Contact your House Representatives.

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Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Eric Greitens and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (573) 751-3222

New York

Contract and investment blacklist for boycott supporters | SB 2492 | 2017-2018 Session


This bill prohibits the state from creating contracts with or investing in people and businesses that promote or engage in boycotts against “American allied nations.”


Passed Senate on 3/8/2017 and delivered to Assembly. Referred to Assembly Governmental Operations Committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Assembly Governmental Operations Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

New York residents can oppose this bill online!

Express Your Opposition

Take Action Step 4

Contact Governor Andrew Cuomo and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (518) 474-8390

Student group funding restrictions for BDS support | SB 2493 | 2017-2018 Session


This bill would prohibit student groups that participate in “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel and American allied nations” (as well as other forms of what it terms “hate speech”) from receiving public funding.


Passed Senate on 3/8/2017 and delivered to Assembly. Referred to Assembly Higher Education Committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Assembly Higher Education Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

New York residents can oppose this bill online!

Express Your Opposition

Take Action Step 4

Contact Governor Andrew Cuomo and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (518) 474-8390

Restrictions on state university funding to aid boycotts | SB 4837 | 2017-2018 Session


This bill would prohibit public colleges from funding student groups and participation of any individuals (including faculty) or student groups in any academic meeting where actions have been taken boycotting any country which hosts “higher education institutions chartered by the board of regents of the university of the state of New York.”


Passed Senate on 3/8/2017 and delivered to Assembly. Referred to Assembly Higher Education Committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Assembly Higher Education Committee.

Find Committee Member Contact Information

Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

New York residents can oppose this bill online!

Express Your Opposition

Take Action Step 4

Contact Governor Andrew Cuomo and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (518) 474-8390

North Carolina

Punishment for commerce interference | HB 249 | 2017 General Assembly


This bill creates the felony offense of “economic terrorism,” which is any criminal offense that “impedes or disrupts the regular course of business” or causes over $1000 worth of property damage with the intent of intimidating the civilian population or any level of government. It also increases criminal penalties for obstructing traffic during demonstrations.


In committee. Withdrawn from House Rules, Calendar, and Operations Committee on 4/5/2017 and re-referred to Second House Judiciary Committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Second House Judiciary Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Roy Cooper and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (919) 814-2000

Punishment for commerce interference | SB 229 | 2017 General Assembly


Senator Dan Bishop introduced a bill to protect former state officials from harassment by protesters for one year past the end of their term. They will be considered by the State to still hold their office for that period of time.

The bill came after former Governor Pat McCrory was followed by a group of protesters during Donald Trump’s inauguration while on a downtown sidewalk. They shouted, “Shame on you!” and other obscenities until he escaped through the back door of a building. A video shows that there was no violence.

McCrory received criticism for signing a law that made North Carolina the first state to require transgender people to use the bathroom matching the gender on their birth certificates.


In committee. First read in Senate on 3/14/2017 and referred to Senate Rules and Operations Committee.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Rules and Operations Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Roy Cooper and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (919) 814-2000

Protection for drivers running over protesters | HB 330 | 2017 General Assembly


An act providing that a person driving an automobile while exercising due care is immune from civil liability for any injury to another if the injured person was participating in a protest or demonstration and blocking traffic in a public street or highway at the time of the injury.


In committee. Passed House on 4/27/2017 and sent to Senate. Referred to Senate Committee on Rules and Operations same day.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Committee on Rules and Operations.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Roy Cooper and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (919) 814-2000

North Dakota

Prohibition on “economic harm” to private property | HB 1193 | 65th General Assembly


HB 1193 criminalizes public assembly, making the “intent” to cause more than $1000 in “direct or indirect harm” to a business a felony—this potentially targets actions like boycotts and divestment, which both might cause “indirect” harm. It also declares a state of emergency.


Defeated. Senate Judiciary Committee reported back recommending that the bill not pass. Failed to pass Senate on 3/28/2017.

Unmasking protesters | HB 1304 | 65th General Assembly


Classifies the wearing of a mask during the commission of a criminal offense as a class A misdemeanor.


Signed into law.

Raised stakes for trespassers | HB 1293 | 65th General Assembly


Raises the penalty for non criminal trespassing, sometimes even to a class C felony.


Signed into law.

Increased penalties for riot offenses | HB 1426 | 65th General Assembly


This law allows prosecutors to charge people involved in “riots” with more severe crimes: disobeying the orders of law enforcement is now a class A misdemeanor and use of any weapon during a gathering larger than 100 people is a class C felony.


Signed into law.

Expanded authority for Attorney General | SB 2302 | 65th General Assembly


Allows the Attorney General to appoint peacekeeping forces from other states as “ad hoc special agents.”


Signed into law.

Protection for drivers running over protesters | HB 1203 | 65th General Assembly


Would have provided liability exemption to drivers who had run over protesters blocking a road. Proposed in direction response to Standing Rock protests.


Defeated in House after amendment passed by committee.


Criminalizes pipeline (or other infrastructure) protesters | SB 250 | 132nd General Assembly


To prohibit “criminal trespass, and aggravated trespass on a critical infrastructure facility, to impose fines for organizations that are complicit in those offenses, and to impose civil liability for damage caused by trespass on a critical infrastructure facility.”


Introduced in Senate on 1/24/18.

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Contact your state Senators.

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Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor John Kasich and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (614) 466-3555

Increased penalty for mask-wearing | HB 423 | 132nd General Assembly


Would prohibit protesters from wearing masks in certain circumstances of protest, with potential for first degree misdemeanor charge ($1,000 fine and six months in jail).


Introduced in House of Representatives on 11/21/17. Referred to Criminal Justice Committee on 11/28/17.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Criminal Justice Committee.

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Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor John Kasich and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (614) 466-3555


Protesters liable for damaged property | HB 2128 | 56th Legislature


This bill allows prosecutors to hold any person arrested or convicted of trespassing liable for any damages to property caused during trespassing. It also makes anyone who pays a person to trespass liable for damages. (There is a common belief that many demonstrators are paid, though it has been debunked by many sources.)


Signed into law on 5/15/2017.

Increased penalties for trespassing | HB 1123 | 56th Legislature


Creates two new felonies and a misdemeanor (with related fines) for trespassing on infrastructure facilities, such as pipelines or railroads.


Signed into law on 5/3/2017.


Expulsion of students convicted of “rioting” | SB 540 | 79th Legislature


“Requires community college or public university to expel any student convicted of riot.”


In committee. Referred to Education, then Judiciary Committees on 1/17/17.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Committee on Education.

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Contact members of the Senate Committee on Judiciary.

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Take Action Step 3

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 4

Contact Governor Kate Brown and tell her to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (503) 378-4582


Protesters liable for “public safety response” costs | SB 754 | 2017 Regular Session


Citing costs incurred by North Dakota’s taxpayers in response to Standing Rock protests last year, this bill places responsibility for overtime or other extra law enforcement costs on any protester convicted of a misdemeanor of felony offense in relation to protesting.


In committee. Referred to Senate State Government Committee on 8/16/2017.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate State Government Committee.

Find committee member’s Contact Information

Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Tom Wolf and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (717) 787-2500

Rhode Island

Protection for drivers running over protesters | HB 5690 | 2017 Regular Session


A person driving an automobile who is exercising due care and injures another person who is participating in a protest or demonstration and is blocking traffic in a public right-of-way is immune from civil liability for such injury, but shall not be immune from civil liability if the actions of the driver leading to the injury were willful or wanton.


In committee. Referred to House Judiciary Committee on 3/1/17. Committee recommended bill be held for further study, and no action has been taken since.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Judiciary Committee.

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Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Gina Raimondo and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (401) 222-2080

South Dakota

Creation of “public safety zones” with risk of trespass charges | SB 176 | 92nd Legislature


This bill makes it a misdemeanor to enter a declared “public safety zone” as a “trespasser.” Furthermore, anyone previously charged with trespassing within the past two years (in any state) will be liable for a felony charge if protesting in a “public safety zone.”


Signed into law on 3/13/2017.


Protection for drivers running over protesters | HB 668 | 2017 Regular Session


“As introduced, provides civil immunity for the driver of an automobile who injures a protester who is blocking traffic in a public right-of-way if the driver was exercising due care.”


Failed in House Civil Justice Subcommittee hearing on 3/22/2017.

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Contact members of the House Civil Justice Subcommittee.

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Scheduled for discussion at House Civil Justice Subcommittee hearing on 3/22/2017 at 9:00am. Attend the hearing and testify against the bill!

Take Action Step 3

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 4

Contact Governor Bill Haslam and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (615) 741-2001

Protection for drivers running over protesters | SB 944 | 2017 Regular Session


“As introduced, provides civil immunity for the driver of an automobile who injures a protester who is blocking traffic in a public right-of-way if the driver was exercising due care.”


In committee. Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee on 2/13/17.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Bill Haslam and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (615) 741-2001

Protection for drivers running over protesters | SB 902 | 2017 Regular Session


Bills in both the House and Senate would quadruple fines for blocking traffic during demonstrations to $200 from the previous $50.


Signed into law.


Protection for drivers running over protesters | HB 250 | 85th Legislature


A person operating a motor vehicle who injures another person with the motor vehicle is not liable for the injury if, at the time of the injury: (1) the person operating the motor vehicle was exercising due care; and (2) the person injured was blocking traffic in a public right-of-way while participating in a protest or demonstration.


In committee. Referred to House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee on 7/21/17.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee.

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Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Greg Abbott and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (512) 463-2000


Increase penalties, fines for all protesting activity | SB 1055-1058 | 2017 Session


This anti-protesting bill is large in scope but would dramatically increase penalties for “unlawful assembly” after “having been lawfully warned to disperse.” The current law states this penalty as a class 3 misdemeanor with fines up to $500 maximum. The new bill proposes elevating penalties to a class 1 misdemeanor that comes with up to a year of jail time and fines up to $2,500.


All four bills introduced have been defeated or withdrawn.


Punishment for commerce interference | SB 5009 | 65th Legislature


Senator Doug Ericksen, who campaigned for Donald Trump, is proposing a bill that will create a new crime and punishment for “economic terrorism,” including protests that block transportation and commerce and cause property damage.

The ACLU of Washington released a statement that the bill “throws out a lot of broad rhetoric that appears to be targeting civil disobedience as ‘terrorism.'”


By resolution, reintroduced during 2017 3rd Special Session and retained in present status on 6/21/2017.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Senate Law and Justice Committee.

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Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Jay Inslee and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (360) 902-4111

Take Action Step 4

Washington residents can leave comments on this bill online.

Leave Your Comments Online


Gives surplus military equipment to local police forces | EO 13809 | Executive Order


This executive order, titled “Presidential Executive Order on Restoring State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement’s Access to Life-Saving Equipment and Resources”, allows unused military equipment to be given for free to local police departments. Originally introduced in the 1990s, President Obama scaled back the program following widespread protests about the use of force by police departments against African Americans. Trump chose to reinstate the program.


President Trump issued EO 13809 on August 28, 2017.


Criminalizes pipeline (or other infrastructure) protesters | SF 74 | 2018 Regular Session


AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crimes of trespassing on critical infrastructure and impeding critical infrastructure; specifying elements; providing penalties; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.


In committee. Referred to Joint Judiciary Committee on 2/14/18.

Take Action Step 1

Contact members of the Joint Judiciary Committee.

Find committee member’s Contact Information

Take Action Step 2

Check (search by your state) to see if any actions are planned, or organize your own protest or office visit to your state representatives. Creating a Facebook event is a good way to get the word out, send us a link to and we’ll post it as well.

Take Action Step 3

Contact Governor Matthew Mead and tell him to veto this bill if it reaches his desk.

Phone: (307) 777-7434