Alex from Edward Sharpe was one of the first people Chris passed the story of the women in Uganda on to, and one of the first things he and the band did was offer to combine their record release party for Up From Below with us so we could use money raised at the event to help support the women. We had asked the ladies what they could use from us and because women in the region often don’t even have the right to own land, making a living is that much harder. So with the money we raised at the party we helped secure a small farm for them, and nine months later they had their first harvest, were already going to turn a profit, and were reinvesting the money in more supplies and opening a small office in town to start a brick making operation. The ladies wanted to say thank you to these musicians they had never met helping out from halfway around the world, so they sang the chorus of Home, yet another message passed in song. That little video clip getting passed around the interweb and embedded on blogs was the way a lot of folks first heard about Voice Project, and then Chris and Alex did a beautiful remix of “Home” with the women which has been getting radio support and really got the message out to a lot of folks as well as energized us to really make this all happen.

Download the HOME remix for free »

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